Rotem Landesman


Peer-reviewed Publications and Workshops

Rotem Landesman(2023). [Workshop] CLS 23’: Connected Learning Summit

Rotem Landesman, Jenny Radesky, Alexis Hiniker (2023).

Jean Salac, Rotem Landesman, Stefania Druga, Amy J. Ko (2023)

Katie Davis , Petr Slovak , Rotem Landesman, Caroline Pitt , Abdullatif Ghajar , Jessica Lee Schleider , Saba Kawas , Andrea Guadalupe Perez Portillo , Nicole S. Kuhn (2023)

Rotem Landesman, Jean Salac. [Workshop] Participatory Approaches to the Ethics of Emerging Technologies for Children @ IDC’23

Rotem Landesman, Chris Coward, Katie Davis (2022). [Workshop] CLS 22’: Connected Learning Summit


Let Kids Wonder, Question, and Make Mistakes: How the Designers of Children’s Technology Think about Child Well-being